In the public eye they?¦? ??e fabricated you.
Chose your selling points to sell.
Became an object they can hate or pursue.
But no one asked just how you felt.
But don?¦? ?° you think I feel?
Don?¦? ?° you think I?¦? ?¦ real?
Are you so dull that you don?¦? ?° have a clue?
And I don?¦? ?° think it?¦? ?? right, this invasion in my life.
No, one day you?¦? ??l feel what I?¦? ?¦ going through.
In the public eye you?¦? ?®e always on stage.
They?¦? ??e magnified your every move.
Free to roam around in your golden cage.
But you better watch just what you do.
And you?¦? ?®e bound by their chains,
you?¦? ?®e not allowed to change.
In the public eye.
And you?¦? ?®e living a life you must defend in the public eye.
In this world you exchange the right to know who?¦? ?? your real friend
and why it?¦? ?? a loser?¦? ?? game that I can?¦? ?° win,
I can only try.