Мир песен

Песня звучит в титрах фильма «Хроники Нарнии: Принц Каспиан». Можно рассматривать как саундтрек 🙂

It starting how does it feeling
Which then growing to up
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet world

And then our world grew louder and louder
Tell me what is a bad all cry
I’ll come back when you call me
No need to say good bye…

Just because everything’s changing
Does it mean that’s now been this way before?
Are you can do stride to now who your friends are
As you had after the war?

Because start on the dark we risen and
Far louder lie…
You’ll come back when it’s over
No need to say good bye…
You’ll come back when it’s over
No need to say good bye…

Now we’re about the beginning
It’s just a feeling that no one knows yet
But just because they can’t feel
It too. Does it mean that you have to forget?

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Turned that before your eyes
You’ll come back when they call you
No need to say good bye…
You’ll come back when they call you
No need to say good bye…


7 комментариев

  • оч классная песня♥ я ёё очень люблю♥

  • вопрос: а на этом сайте можно песни вообще скачивать?

  • Согласна! в оригинале слова другие! а так песня мне нрав.

  • Кстати, песня начинается в момент прощания Сьюзан и принца Каспиана, так что является полноценным саундтреком.

  • Сотрите этот ужас!!

    Вот так вернее будет:

    It startED OUT AS A feeling
    Which then grEw INTO A HOPE
    Which then turned into a quiet thought
    Which then turned into a quiet word

    And then THAT word grew louder and louder
    UNTIL IT waS a baTTLE cry
    I’ll come back when you call me
    No need to say good bye…

    Just because everythings changing
    DoesN’T mean It’s NEVER been this way before
    Are you can do IS TRY to Know who your friends are
    As you hEad OFF TO the war

    PICK A STAR on the dark HOrisOn
    and FOLLOW THE liGHT
    You’ll come back when it’s over
    No need to say good bye..
    You’ll come back when it’s over
    No need to say good bye..
    Now we’re BACK TO the beginning
    It’s just a feeling AND no one knows yet
    But just because they can’t feel It to.
    DoesN’T mean that you have to forget

    Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
    UNTIL thEY’RE before your eyes
    You’ll come back when they call you
    No need to say good bye…
    You’ll come back when they call you
    No need to say good bye…

  • Кошмар! надо же так переврать

  • ну и лажа ваши слова…откуда это взяли, вообще?перевести, хоть, пробовали???
