Мир песен

Copyright 1992 The All Blacks B.V./
Roadrunner Records

Version 1.1 — June 96

Transcription Done By: Richard Broadhead II()
For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version;
please contact Rich Broadhead at

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

. — palm mute / — slide up to
— slide down to ~ — vibrato
h — hammer on p — pull off
() — ghost note > — accented note
hr — harmonic * — see comment

Tuning goes B, E, A, D, F#, B(in otherwords everystring is 2.5 steps down)

Such a simple song, yet I had so much trouble figuring it out.

Scumgrief Riff *
…….. . . …….. . .
* somtimes there appears to be a hr on the 5th fret of the 4th string

Play Scumgrief Riff 4 times

Riff A
. . . . . .

Play Riff A, then pause, Riff A, pause, Riff A, pause

Riff B
. . . . . . . . .

Play Riff A, followed by Insert A, Riff B, Riff A, Insert B, Riff B

Insert A Insert B
*The above are natural harmonics

Play Riff A, pause, Riff A, pause, Riff A, pause, Riff B
Play Riff A, followed by Insert A, Riff B, Riff A, Insert B, Riff B
Play Scumgrief Riff 2 times

Post Scumgrief Riff
. . . . . . . . . .

Play Post Scumgrief Riff a total of four times, then pause two measures

Riff C

Pause 2 measures, Riff C, pause 2 measures, Riff C, pause 2 measures, Riff C
________ _______
Riff D |1,3 | 2,4
…. . . ….. ….. … … … . . . .

Pause 2 measures, Riff C, pause two measures, Riff C, Riff D
Play Scumgrief Riff 2 twice, then Post Scrumgrief Riff 4 times


For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version;
please contact Rich Broadhead at

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

