Мир песен

Intro goes like this:
Verse goes like this:
—2—2-4—4-2—2-4—4-2—2-4—4-2-5—Intro lick-|————
The pre-chorus part is:
————2—2-2—2————5—0—2—Intro lick———
The chorus goes: 1.2.
The 1. and 2. means that the A power chord gets played first time
through, and the G gets played second time. After the first chorus,
we go back to the intro/verse stuff. After the second chorus, we
go to the bridge/solo:
—2-|—5—7—vamp-|—intro vamp-|—————————
The vamp stuff just means play random riffs along the mentioned
motiffs. It’s very improv. The solo ends with:
—0——————2————|-intro vamp-|-verse vamp-|-

